"Providing Stable Leadership for the Chugach Electric Association Board"

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Harold Hollis: Don’t be fooled by the incumbents on the ballot in Chugach Electric Association’s election-By Harold Hollis -- May 9, 2024
It is election time of year for all Chugach Electric Association members to elect directors to represent you on the Chugach Electric Association Board. You should have received an email confirming your email address and information on voting. Voting is easy and only takes a few minutes online.
Two board seats are open this election. Voting in the annual election began on April 17 and ends May 17. Two candidates will be elected to four-year terms on the Chugach Board of Directors. The four candidates, two of which are incumbents, are running this year.
The two incumbents, Sam Cason and Mark Wiggin, who are endorsed by the dark money supported Alaska Center (for the Environment) and Renewable Energy Alaska Project (REAP), are running an extensive media campaign promising support for lower rates, energy security and renewable energy. Who doesn’t want these things?

Alex Gimarc: Vote for common sense in the Chugach Electric Association board elections-By ALEX GIMARC -- May 1, 2024
There is another election going on today, the annual Chugach Election. Given the strength of renewable energy grifters these days, this election may be just as important as the Bronson – LaFrance runoff for Anchorage mayor.
Important how? Given that Chugach is part owner of the Eklutna power station (electricity and water for Anchorage) and the largest electricity supplier for the Rail Belt, poor decisions by the Chugach board on generation will have significant, negative consequences for decades to come....

Alaska’s Bad Energy Bill of the Week – Carbon Storage (HB 50/SB 49) -By Kassie Andrews -- April 16, 2024
Ed. Note: Yesterday, ten amendments limiting HB 50 – Carbon Storage were defeated in the Alaska legislature, indicating a path to passage. See the comment section for more information.
“To summarize, Alaska’s Carbon Storage bill ranks among the worst of the worst. When was the last time you as an Alaskan were asked if you wanted to participate in a carbon reduction strategy at all, especially considering our limited footprint on the global scale?”
Governor Mike Dunleavy’s “Carbon Management and Monetization Bill Package” is double trouble...

As part of many election campaigns, various organizations submit questionnaires to each of the candidates for the purpose of obtaining an endorsement from that organization. You, as the rate payers, should know that each of these questionnaires was to remain confidential and only used internally.

Join in to listen to Dan and Todd talk about energy! Hear their backgrounds, and key priorities keeping the members rates and homes at the forefront!

Green energy advocates say Anchorage electric utility is "freezing out" efforts to draft a gas-saving price structure
FEB 8, 2024
A green power advocacy group says Anchorage’s electric utility is thwarting its efforts to propose an energy-saving payment scheme for customers, and it’s asking state regulators to step in to force the utility to hand over detailed data.....READ MORE

Alaska ‘Green New Deal’ Lurks (RPS danger)
The Camel’s Nose metaphor goes: “Don’t allow even small malpractices, because they will grow big eventually.” Realized or not, the major malpractice in question at this very moment is Alaskans being forced into anti-energy “decarbonization.” "...READ MORE
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